One Night Only: Perfect Match Online!

One Night Only: Perfect Match Online!

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watch live on February 12th, 2021.
8:00PM Eastern Time

Jordan Kennedy as Dexter Morgan (Dexter)

Brie Watson as Phyllis (The Office)
Kirk McCullough as Stone Cold Steve Austin (wrestler)
Spencer Litzinger as Merlin (Arthurian legend)
Kat Letwin as Werner Herzog (director)
Zoe Kin as Yoda (Star Wars)
Laura Salvas as George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Korri Birch as R.L. Stine (as portrayed by Jack Black)

zoom link if you wanna to vote on pairings.

The show has two parts.

In the first part, eight improvisers will perform scripted character monologues. They might be from plays, movies, TV, or famous speeches. Whatever they are, they will let you meet and get a feel for the character.

In second part, the audience will decide which characters from the first round they'd like to see perform improvised scenes together. Maybe that kooky character will share the stage with that historical figure. Maybe that classical play character will have to deal with a modern celebrity as a roommate. Any pairing can happen as long as the audience is convinced they'd be the Perfect Match.