Six rebels fight for freedom from an evil sci-fi dystopian government, but two in their midst are secretly traitors. Can they win back our freedoms or will suspicion and betrayal tear them apart from within.

Inspired by The Resistance board game. The traitors are so secret, even their fellow castmates don't know who is sabotaging their covert missions. Audience can guess along from their seats or watch knowing all along. Despite the stakes, this improv comedy is filled with cyber-hackers, sentient traffic robots, cyborg sports-stars, and serious laughs.

Directed By:
Maddox Campbell

Jon Blair, Antony Hall, Ryan F. Hughes, Kat Letwin, Carmine Lucarelli, Anne McMaster, Nkasi Ogbonnah, Carley Thorne

Our first test shows were on Saturday April 7th, 2018 and August 27th, 2018 at The Social Capital Theatre. Later, a full production was done at The Randolph Theatre as part of the 2019 Toronto Fringe Festival to rave reviews (click to read) and an audience that returned night after night.

There are no specific plans to remount The Resistance Improvised, but the spark of resistance burns on. Keep watch for more dates in the future.

Promo Videos:

Poster Art Created by Jon Blair.png